Philippe Bellefleur has always been fascinated by the mathematical order of nature or the urban environment: flower petals in even numbers, street cracks, etc. His trips to Spain (Barcelona), to Portugal made him think about the use of ceramic integrated to architecture and urbanism. For him, the constant repetition of elements seems to create a vibe, a rythmic form similar to a music composition.
Exubérence, acrylique, 30x36,
Monarch, acrylique, 30x36, 2016
Au Portugal, Philippe Bellefleur a aimé les tuiles sur les maisons,dans les rues,etc. Ça lui rappelle les tableaux de Maria Da Silva. il veut créer des murales-céramiques a petite échelle pour intéresser des architectes.
Technique: notons ici les contours noirs pour affirmer les formes. On sait que le peintre a pratiqué la technique du vitrail. On peut y reconnaitre l' influence . |
Profusion, acrylique, 30x36, 2016
Why the use of polyptycs? Philippe Bellefleur devides his subjects into several sections. He says: "I like to devide my subjects into different parts in order to decentralize and to look after the details. But I am also preoccupied by the harmony of the whole. We can talk about anachronistic paintings, each section is treated in different times but actualized .